At the heart of every pool or spa is the performance of the filtration equipment. You may have the best looking pool in the world but if it doesn't perform its basic function of turning over water, filtering and purifying then it will bring nothing but heartache and headaches.
With over 15 years experience in designing and building commercial and residential filtration packages for swimming pools and spas, Nate Clifft can ensure every build, from the smallest backyard plunge pool to the largest commercial resort pool will be sparkling and clean.
At Liquid Earth Pools we offer fully automated control systems, manage your pool, spa, water features, lighting, heating options and even your landscape features from the touch of a button on your phone/pad/computer. All systems are fully programmable with schedules and even fault alarms that will register directly with our office.
Heating options are integrated into your automated systems allowing you to turn your spa on, select your desired temperature, from anywhere in the COUNTRY! Imagine turning your spa on from the office and by the time you get home all you have to do is grab a drink and enjoy.
Infloor cleaning systems are a specialty at Liquid Earth Pools because lets face it no one wants to be dragging robots or hoses in and out of your pool constantly. Our industry leading systems can take care of the cleaning for you!
Contact us today about upgrading your existing pool equipment